Wednesday 25 September 2013


(MWT) MEDITATE WITH Thee                                            



Meditation is like graduation… you pass primary school then pass out secondary and so on. You cannot graduate straight away. It is a step by step process.
The amount of time required for meditation would depend on the purpose for which you have embarked upon this path of meditation.

For instance if you aim to attain deeper level of awareness, you can’t have a quick fix meditation session. But at the same time if your objective to meditate is to de-stress, or clear your mind of  issues which are dragging it, than you don’t have to meditate for hours or days.

To start with you can try out the LOG OUT LOG IN (LOLI) Meditation. Three deep breaths in… three breaths out… hold each of them in your belly for a while and there you are… simply Log Out for a while from your stressful routine, be with yourself for countable seconds, calm down your system breathe and Log In again into your world.

Feel the difference? Share it!

It’s for people like you and me, people of our times, where we are desperately trying to keep pace with the running time and in doing so we cease to live the moment.

So start up with LOLI meditation. Use it anywhere, anytime. In countable seconds get a calmer system and most importantly enjoy that moment of breath.

Place, Position or posture of Meditation?

Meditation would be best if I meditate near a river side or amidst the mountains or by the side of a waterfall. But then in our daily routine existence and city dwellings, where can we find these ideal locations to start our meditation. So it could be your garden, it could be your terrace, the living room or bedroom, your office chair, the cinema hall, the mall…. Absolutely anywhere! In your car even, make sure you aren't driving. There isn't any ideal place as such for meditation. The best place would be where you feel like.

So stop ruminating over these trivial things like, should I stand or sit or should I lie down on a couch or sit on an easy chair. The best position or posture is the one you are most comfortable in.

So don’t stress yourself out with the thought of how to and where to meditate, you have enough stress to handle already. Just get comfortable and begin.

Is meditation attached to Religion?

Meditation is completely a personal affair, it isn't attached to any creed or religion. So do not think if you would have to light up a diya or a candle or offer flowers before starting to meditate.

Meditation brings you close to yourself. It bridges the gap between the YOU, you are in physicality and the YOU, you are in higher self. It makes you one with yourself and in this oneness is divine. Divine which knows no language no religion no past no future just that moment of breath.

If you meditate you aren't going to go against your religion, you can meditate and continue your rituals too.
But remember no RITUALS are to be followed for meditation, like taking a bath before or after it, wearing footwear or not, covering your head or not. Do it if it feels good.

Think of youngsters, who follow no rules, they make their own. You do it too. Don’t be stickler to too many do’s and don’ts. It takes away the sweetness out of it.  

© nozzer pardiwala

In this I AM with YOU. And never forget YOU are with YOU.
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Next week we Demystify one MYTH at a time...further on

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